Sunday, June 14, 2009

No I don't endorse animal consumption of alcohol

I am starting this blog out with a piece I created last year but is now appropriate for other reasons, the automobile company bailouts. The piece is entitled "Found On Road Dead."

I am not trying to draw a link between an autombile company and the consumption of alcohol or animals instead I understand why one company did not accept a government bailout. The company realized that if they could survive a recession without the government telling them how they would come out of it better than the other American automobile companies they would have something better than the others. The overly marketed and thus "conscientious"American consumer could be pursuaded to buy a bailout-free vehicle even if the consumer was still in debt and piling up more credit if they can find it. That's how our corporate model and economy work now.

I am not endorsing or criticizing this American automobile company. I am trying to point out corporate responsibility goes as far as the profit margin. While I sell artwork and life since it is art also I am the wrong person for endorsements as I prefer being anonymous here. I am an American from the middle of nowhere that can fit into the crowd just about anywhere in this country.

Okay I do not endorse mixing alcohol with driving automobiles (call a cab if you party). I do not endorse animals consuming alcohol (whoever sold it to them should be closed) or animals driving automobiles (whether they have consumed alcohol or not). I do however endorse alcohol when consuming animals. The appropriate beverage per the fruit of the glaze on a roasted duck or bourbon or whiskey on barbecue beef or smoked ham is delicious.

I know I will catch some heat for this endorsement from vegetarians and animal lovers. My doctor should not worry about these culinary choices as the alcohol cooks out with the heat. I mean the heat from the cooking. As for the heat I might take from vegetarians and animal lovers that is my decision that I will live with anonymously (at least I don't have to share the meal with them so I can have more). By the way I love my pets and I watch the livestock fattening up, I care for both sets of animals.

I don't have to worry about what I endorse however because I am the best and worst commercial endorsement vehicle. I am anyone, everyone and no one with my anonymity. No one will pay me because they can not be sure if I endorse the product, who would be reached by my endorsement and what else I might endorse. People don't have to buy what I am selling.

If you think you see me, smile and wave. I'll smile and wave back.

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